O site The Religion of Peace mantém uma contagem dos ataques jihadistas desde o ataque às torres gêmeas do World Trade Center, em Nova York, em 11 de setembro de 2001.
Uma contagem especial é feita durante o mês do Ramadã. Como discutido anteriormente, Ramadã é o mês da Jihad, e isso se torna claro devido ao acréscimo da mortandade cometida pela causa de Alá.
Eu consegui montar uma lista do terrorismo islâmico ocorrido durante o Ramadã dos anos de 2017 e 2018 em duas postagens independentes. Este artigo traz uma lista para os anos de 2019 (5 de Maio a 3 de Junho) e 2020 (23 de Abril a 23 de Maio). A contagem que eu apresento traz os seguintes números:
2020: 180 ataques, 720 mortos e 643 feridos
2019: 184 ataques, 837 mortos e 813 feridos

Ramadã 2020
Colunas (data, país, localidade, mortos, feridos, descrição)
2020.05.23 | Pakistan | Palosai Payan | 1 | 1 | A young couple is shot by the girl’s family in an ‘honor-related’ incident. |
2020.05.23 | Yemen | al Jawf | 1 | 0 | A captive is tortured to death by Ansar Allah. |
2020.05.22 | Afghanistan | Chak | 1 | 0 | A local cop is gunned down at a mosque by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2020.05.22 | Afghanistan | Yaftal-e-Bala | 2 | 6 | Two Afghans are killed during an attack by Taliban fundamentalists. |
2020.05.22 | Iraq | Kor Ge Gal | 1 | 3 | A guard at an oil refinery is cut down by Mujahid gunmen. |
2020.05.22 | Iraq | Abbara | 1 | 0 | A civilian is reduced to pulp by Sunni shrapnel. |
2020.05.22 | Yemen | Najd al-Atak | 1 | 0 | One defender loses their life to an attack by Shiite militia. |
2020.05.21 | India | Prichoo | 1 | 1 | Muslim terrorists fire on a police patrol, killing one member. |
2020.05.21 | USA | Corpus Christi, TX | 0 | 1 | A Muslim terrorist opens fire on a navy base, injuring a sailor. |
2020.05.21 | Iran | Talesh | 1 | 0 | A 13-year-old girl is beheaded by her father, who honor kills her for running away with a man. |
2020.05.20 | Yemen | Kaniyah | 4 | 15 | Four people are killed by Ansar Allah militia. |
2020.05.20 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 4 | The head of a medical team is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab. |
2020.05.20 | Iraq | Sadr City | 1 | 0 | Reportedly, a gay man is killed and then displayed with a note. |
2020.05.20 | Pakistan | Sharif Khana | 1 | 0 | Suspected radicals pump a health care worker full of bullets. |
2020.05.20 | Pakistan | Hilal Khail Charmong | 1 | 0 | A bomb planted in a field kills a laborer. |
2020.05.20 | India | Ganderbal | 2 | 0 | Muslim extremists open fire on two border guards, killing both. |
2020.05.19 | Iraq | Zahra | 1 | 0 | Mujahid send a civilian to Allah with a well-placed explosive. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Kunduz | 8 | 7 | Islamic fundamentalists attack security checkpoint in a city, killing eight. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Kunduz | 3 | 48 | Three people in and around a clinic are killed when it is bombed by religious hardliners. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Maruf | 5 | 0 | An ‘insider’ attack by a Talibani results in five dead police. |
2020.05.19 | Egypt | Qabir Omair | 4 | 13 | Fundamentalists open fire on families inside their homes, killing four members. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Charekar | 11 | 5 | Eleven worshippers lose their lives when rivals open fire in their mosque. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Gorchako | 3 | 1 | A child is among the casualties of a mosque shooting that claims the lives of three brothers. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Mizan | 4 | 8 | Two children are among four civilians pasted by Islamic shrapnel. |
2020.05.19 | Iraq | Muqdadiya | 1 | 0 | Jihadis successfully kill a local cop by placing a bomb under his car. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Ali Sheng | 1 | 6 | A civilian is reduced to parts by a Taliban mortar round. |
2020.05.19 | Philippines | Barangay Zapakan | 1 | 0 | A local soldier manning a quarantine is brutally murdered by Bangsamoro Islamists. |
2020.05.19 | Afghanistan | Qayaq Valley | 5 | 0 | Five people are shot in a car and then burned by the Taliban. |
2020.05.18 | Afghanistan | Ghazni City | 7 | 40 | A massive suicide car bombing leaves seven dead. |
2020.05.18 | Syria | Deir Ezzor | 7 | 0 | Seven people are pulled from their cars and shot by ISIS. |
2020.05.18 | Burkina Faso | Banh | 7 | 4 | Civilians are among those ambushed and killed by the “Group to Support Islam and Muslims.” |
2020.05.18 | Niger | Blabrine | 12 | 10 | Twelve local security personnel are liquidated by Boko Haram. |
2020.05.18 | Pakistan | Eidak | 2 | 3 | Islamists detonate a bomb killing a soldier and a civilian in the resulting crossfire. |
2020.05.18 | DRC | Kelele | 6 | 0 | A second ADF attack in as many days leaves six dead, including women. |
2020.05.18 | Nigeria | Kautikeri | 1 | 0 | A resident is beheaded during a Jihadist raid. |
2020.05.17 | Nigeria | Dapchi | 1 | 3 | Boko Haram shoot dead a guard while looting a village. |
2020.05.17 | Nigeria | Maza | 6 | 0 | A half-dozen security personnel are stopped with a landmine and then shot with automatic weapons by Jihadists. |
2020.05.17 | Nigeria | Konduga | 2 | 0 | Two female suicide bombers take down two passersby. |
2020.05.17 | Indonesia | Pattaneteang | 1 | 0 | A teenage girl is stabbed to death in an honor killing by her brothers over immoral behavior. |
2020.05.17 | Syria | Deir Ezzor | 4 | 0 | A woman is among four killed execution-style by the Islamic State. |
2020.05.17 | Nigeria | Buni Yadi | 2 | 3 | Boko Haram stage an elaborate attack on local security forces, killing two. |
2020.05.17 | Iraq | Tuz Khormato | 1 | 3 | ISIS militants set fire to crops, the kill a first responder. |
2020.05.17 | Nigeria | Gajigana | 20 | 24 | Boko Haram gunmen mow down twenty villagers. |
2020.05.17 | DRC | Kokola | 7 | 4 | Seven innocents are massacred by ADF Islamists. |
2020.05.17 | Iraq | Chardaghli | 2 | 3 | An Islamic State bomb blast leaves two dead. |
2020.05.17 | Somalia | Galkayo | 4 | 0 | Four Somalis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber. |
2020.05.17 | Afghanistan | Mohammad Agha | 8 | 5 | Islamic radicals fire point-blank into a checkpoint, killing eight officers. |
2020.05.17 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 1 | Terrorists open fire on two Afghan officers, killing one. |
2020.05.16 | Iraq | Abara | 3 | 0 | Three Mujahid shootings leave three dead, including a lawyer. |
2020.05.16 | Iraq | Miqdadiya | 1 | 2 | An adult is killed and two children severely injured in Jihadist attacks. |
2020.05.16 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 0 | A 25-year-old man is abducted and murdered by the Islamic State. |
2020.05.16 | Afghanistan | Dehradu | 9 | 6 | A group fighting for Sharia attacks local security forces, killing nine. |
2020.05.16 | Afghanistan | Ghor | 3 | 11 | Three Afghans are taken down by fundamentalist gunmen. |
2020.05.16 | India | Kulgam | 1 | 0 | A local cop is brutally gunned down by Muslim terrorists. |
2020.05.16 | Iraq | Tikrit | 2 | 3 | Two Iraqis manning a checkpoint are shot to death by Islamic State loyalists. |
2020.05.16 | Nigeria | Ungwan Anjo | 2 | 2 | Two are killed when armed Muslims burn homes and churches. |
2020.05.15 | Nigeria | Jos | 1 | 1 | Muslim murder a Christian university professor and kidnap his 6-year-old daughter. |
2020.05.15 | Iraq | Jillam | 6 | 0 | Radicalized Muslims break into a home and murder a family of six. |
2020.05.15 | Iraq | Tarmiya | 2 | 0 | Islamists kill two Iraqis with a bomb. |
2020.05.15 | Iraq | Mubarak | 1 | 0 | A Kurdish civilian is shot outside his home by Islamic State members. |
2020.05.15 | Afghanistan | Paktia | 8 | 12 | Eight security personnel are killed in a middle-of-the-night attack by the Taliban. |
2020.05.14 | Pakistan | Shaam Plain Garyom | 2 | 0 | Two teen girls are honor-killed over a video showing them with a boy. |
2020.05.14 | Afghanistan | Khanabad | 5 | 3 | A group of armed fundamentalists attack government checkpoints, killing five. |
2020.05.14 | Iraq | Jurf al-Nasr | 5 | 14 | An ISIS attack claims one life. |
2020.05.14 | Afghanistan | Paktia | 5 | 29 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber eliminates five civilians. |
2020.05.13 | Nigeria | Mainok | 5 | 0 | A surprise Jihadist attack on security personnel leaves five dead. |
2020.05.13 | Afghanistan | Khattabi | 5 | 0 | A radical fires at random in a city district, killing five bystanders. |
2020.05.13 | Nigeria | Agasha | 2 | 0 | A woman is among two villagers cut down by Miyetti Allah mercenaries. |
2020.05.13 | Nigeria | Tomatar Lwendyer | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are purged by Muslim militants. |
2020.05.13 | Nigeria | Makyali | 7 | 0 | Elderly are among seven slaughtered by Muslim terrorists. |
2020.05.12 | Nigeria | Katul | 2 | 0 | A man and his wife are murdered by militant Muslims. |
2020.05.12 | Iraq | Olayoua | 2 | 1 | Mujahid fire into a car, killing a couple, and injuring their 3-year-old daughter. |
2020.05.12 | Afghanistan | Sabarau | 1 | 10 | A civilian is disassembled by Taliban shrapnel. |
2020.05.12 | Iraq | al-Tuz | 1 | 0 | An imam is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2020.05.12 | Afghanistan | Nangarhar | 32 | 68 | A suicide bomber puts two dozen mourners out of their misery. |
2020.05.12 | Afghanistan | Khanaqin | 24 | 16 | Newborn babies, their mothers and nurses are purged by Islamic State warriors at a Doctors without Borders hospital. |
2020.05.12 | Nigeria | Numan | 2 | 0 | Two non-Muslim villagers are killed in an early morning attack by militants. |
2020.05.12 | Nigeria | Agwala | 1 | 0 | An older woman is hacked to death by Muslim radicals. |
2020.05.12 | Nigeria | Idanu-Doka | 1 | 1 | A 53-year-old villager is brought down by Muslim gunmen. |
2020.05.11 | Burkina Faso | Yagha | 8 | 0 | Eight border guards are ambushed and killed by Jihadists. |
2020.05.11 | Nigeria | Gonan Rogo | 17 | 6 | Families are among Christians massacred in their homes by Fulani terrorists. |
2020.05.11 | Israel | Yabed | 1 | 0 | An Israeli soldier is killed by a stone thrown from a Palestinian roof. |
2020.05.11 | Pakistan | Peshawar | 5 | 0 | Five bystanders are sent to Allah by Ramadan bombers. |
2020.05.11 | Iraq | Khanaqin | 2 | 1 | A Sunni roadside bomb claims two Shiites. |
2020.05.11 | Afghanistan | Feroz Koh | 4 | 3 | Four village guards lose their lives to a Taliban attack. |
2020.05.11 | Iraq | Albu Dhiban | 3 | 6 | Three inside are killed when ISIS members attack a residence. |
2020.05.10 | Syria | Sahl al-Ghab | 35 | 0 | An attack by Hurras al-Deen leaves thirty-five dead. |
2020.05.10 | Iraq | Nasiriyah | 1 | 0 | An activist is assassinated by Shiite militia. |
2020.05.10 | Afghanistan | Alisheng | 6 | 5 | A half-dozen local security personnel are tragically murdered by the Taliban. |
2020.05.10 | Mali | Aguelhok | 3 | 4 | Jihadists eliminate three UN peacekeepers with an IED. |
2020.05.10 | Iraq | Merkhas | 2 | 0 | A farmer and his nephew are easy prey for four armed fundamentalists, on the hunt for religious minorities. |
2020.05.09 | Afghanistan | Alam Khel | 4 | 7 | Taliban gunmen purge four local cops. |
2020.05.09 | Niger | Gadbo | 10 | 0 | Islamic gunmen on motorcycles murder ten teenagers at a well. |
2020.05.09 | Pakistan | Edek | 2 | 0 | Muslim hardliners kill two border guards with a rocket. |
2020.05.09 | Afghanistan | Azr | 1 | 3 | A child is disassembled in his home by a Taliban rocket. |
2020.05.09 | Iraq | Saadiya | 1 | 0 | A civilian is shot in the head within the former ISIS stronghold. |
2020.05.08 | Afghanistan | Khost | 4 | 0 | A Taliban bomb leaves a police chief and three others dead. |
2020.05.08 | Nigeria | Dumankara | 2 | 0 | Two villagers are cut down by Boko Haram. |
2020.05.08 | DRC | Mbingi | 3 | 0 | A woman is among three beheaded by ADF Islamists. |
2020.05.08 | Niger | Zibane Koira-Tegui | 3 | 0 | Three men are killed in cold blood by Holy Warriors. |
2020.05.08 | Niger | Zibane-Koira Zeno | 7 | 0 | Seven villagers are murdered, including several hiding under their beds. |
2020.05.07 | DRC | Mabatundu | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are murdered by the ADF. |
2020.05.07 | Syria | al-Shula | 11 | 0 | The Islamic State ambush a security convoy and massacre eleven members in their vehicles. |
2020.05.07 | Iraq | Waqf | 1 | 0 | A local cop is shot dead by an ISIS sniper. |
2020.05.07 | Somalia | Afgoye | 1 | 0 | The former goalkeeper for the national soccer team is gunned down at a mosque by suspected al-Shabaab. |
2020.05.07 | Yemen | Abyan | 3 | 4 | Terrorists clear out a passing vehicle with a planted landmine. |
2020.05.06 | Nigeria | Tarkende | 2 | 0 | A man and his pregnant wife are beaten to death in their home by Fulani terrorists. |
2020.05.06 | Afghanistan | Lashkar Gah | 1 | 0 | Islamic terrorists gun down a man inside a shop. |
2020.05.05 | Afghanistan | Narimanda | 4 | 0 | The Taliban plant a bomb that kills three officers, then open fire on a rescuer, killing him as well. |
2020.05.05 | Nigeria | Egbado | 1 | 1 | Muslim militants shoot a commuter to death and kidnap a woman. |
2020.05.05 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 4 | 0 | Four police guarding an oil facility are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State. |
2020.05.05 | Iraq | Zab | 2 | 0 | An ISIS attack on a village leaves two dead. |
2020.05.04 | Afghanistan | Parwan | 1 | 4 | Extremists target a power pylon with a bomb, killing a civilian worker. |
2020.05.04 | Iraq | Hilwat | 2 | 0 | Islamic State members murder two Iraqis. |
2020.05.04 | India | Handwara | 4 | 0 | A teenage boy is among four Indians killed during an attack by Muslim terrorists. |
2020.05.04 | Syria | Muzayrib | 9 | 0 | Nine government employees are kidnapped, murdered and dumped. |
2020.05.04 | Afghanistan | Alisheng | 1 | 0 | A resident is killed during a firing by Taliban extremists. |
2020.05.03 | Iraq | Rashida | 1 | 0 | Mujahid gunmen pick off a civilian outside his house. |
2020.05.03 | India | Chanjmulla | 5 | 0 | Five members of a rescue team are cut down by terrorists. |
2020.05.03 | Thailand | Sai Buri | 2 | 0 | Muslim ‘separatists’ shoot dead two local rangers. |
2020.05.03 | Nigeria | Adu | 4 | 0 | Villagers are fired on by Muslim militants. Four are killed. |
2020.05.03 | Somalia | Middle Shabelle | 1 | 0 | A man is publicly executed by al-Shabaab. |
2020.05.03 | Afghanistan | Yakhchal | 11 | 13 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a local military base, killing eleven. |
2020.05.03 | Niger | Diffa | 2 | 3 | Two other people are killed when gunmen screaming praises to Allah attack a town. |
2020.05.03 | Afghanistan | Ghoryan | 2 | 0 | Two government workers are ruthlessly gunned down by the Taliban. |
2020.05.03 | France | Toulouse | 0 | 4 | A Sudanese asylum seeker stabs four bystanders while chanting praises to Allah. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Mukeshefah | 6 | 0 | Six young people are murdered by the Islamic State and then set on fire. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Mukeshefah | 3 | 4 | First responders to an earlier massacre are decimated by a planted bomb. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Zaghaniya | 4 | 10 | Mujahid assault a police station, killing four officers. |
2020.05.02 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 1 | 1 | A bomb placed in a shop kills a patron. |
2020.05.02 | Thailand | Narathiwat | 2 | 0 | Two civilians are gunned down by suspected BRN. |
2020.05.02 | Afghanistan | Loari | 3 | 5 | Three Afghan security personnel are tragically shot to death by the Taliban |
2020.05.02 | Afghanistan | Mehtarlam | 3 | 4 | Three civilian engineers are wasted by a Mujahid bomb planted on a motorcycle. |
2020.05.02 | Pakistan | Wana | 1 | 0 | A rights activist is mowed down by drive-by shooters. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Abbara | 2 | 3 | The lives of two Iraqis are cut short by the Islamic State. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Diyala | 11 | 0 | An attack by Sunnis on Shiites preparing for a Ramadan meal leaves eleven dead. |
2020.05.02 | Iraq | Salahudin | 6 | 6 | Two shooting by ISIS produce a half-dozen bodies. |
2020.05.01 | Mali | Bamako | 1 | 0 | A French peacekeeper dies from injuries suffered at the hands of Jihadists. |
2020.05.01 | Afghanistan | Zari | 13 | 25 | Thirteen locals lose their lives to an attack by a fundamentalist group. |
2020.04.30 | Afghanistan | Baraki Barak | 4 | 0 | The Taliban ambush a remote checkpoint, killing four security personnel. |
2020.04.30 | Philippines | Matalam | 1 | 6 | Moro Islamists are suspected in the ambush and killing of a local official. |
2020.04.30 | Syria | Hmeimeh | 6 | 0 | ISIS hits a bus with a roadside bomb, killing a half-dozen. |
2020.04.30 | Afghanistan | Nawa | 2 | 0 | Two Afghans are aerated by a Taliban explosive. |
2020.04.30 | Iraq | Yathrib | 1 | 1 | An off-duty border guard is assassinated in his own home by Mujahideen. |
2020.04.30 | Egypt | Bir al-Abed | 10 | 0 | Ten local security personnel are blown apart by a bombing conducted by Islamic hardliners. |
2020.04.30 | Bangladesh | Keraniganj | 1 | 0 | A young boy is crushed by a bomb being built by a Jamaat-e-Islami member. |
2020.04.29 | Afghanistan | Andar | 5 | 0 | Two women and a child are among five family members eliminated by fundamentalist bombers. |
2020.04.29 | Philippines | Polomolok | 2 | 0 | Two police officers are smoked by Ansar Al-Khilafah gunmen. |
2020.04.29 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 15 | A suicide bomber detonates ‘among civilians’, killing three. |
2020.04.29 | Pakistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | 1 | 0 | The body of a Chinese trader is recovered following his abduction. |
2020.04.28 | Israel | Kfar Saba | 0 | 1 | A 62-year-old woman is stabbed by a Palestinian teen. |
2020.04.28 | Somalia | El Bur | 3 | 0 | A group fighting for Sharia executes three of its own for helping the government. |
2020.04.27 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | A businessman is assassinated by al-Shabaab. |
2020.04.27 | Afghanistan | Imam Sahib | 2 | 5 | An attack by Taliban fundamentalists leaves two dead. |
2020.04.27 | France | Colombes | 0 | 3 | A ‘radicalized’ man runs down three French police officers with his car. |
2020.04.27 | Afghanistan | Gardez | 4 | 0 | Four local cops are gunned down by religious radicals. |
2020.04.26 | DRC | Malambo | 6 | 0 | A woman is among six cut down by ADF Islamists. |
2020.04.26 | Afghanistan | Khwaja Bahauddin | 7 | 3 | A Ramadan attack by the Taliban kills seven Afghans. |
2020.04.26 | Somalia | Halane | 4 | 0 | Four members of the same family are extinguished by an al-Shabaab mortar round. |
2020.04.26 | Iraq | Rutba | 1 | 1 | Caliphate members kill a councilman and kidnap his son. |
2020.04.26 | Afghanistan | Alisheng | 1 | 0 | A rickshaw driver is murdered by fundamentalists. |
2020.04.25 | Nigeria | Kikwrari | 3 | 13 | Three villagers are shot by Muslim raiders. |
2020.04.25 | Afghanistan | Barak-e-Barak | 7 | 0 | A group fighting for Sharia kills seven local security personnel. |
2020.04.25 | Pakistan | Dattakhel | 2 | 5 | Terrorists attack a border patrol, killing two members. |
2020.04.25 | Yemen | al-Husha | 5 | 11 | An attack by Ansar Allah on local security personnel leaves five dead. |
2020.04.25 | Iraq | Gharbi | 2 | 0 | A fuel official and his nephew are gunned down by the Islamic State. |
2020.04.25 | Afghanistan | Almar | 1 | 1 | A child is exterminated by Taliban bombers. |
2020.04.25 | Afghanistan | Kohi | 9 | 2 | Islamic hardliners hit a house with a shell, scattering the parts of nine family members. |
2020.04.25 | Afghanistan | Nachin | 4 | 5 | Four policemen are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists. |
2020.04.25 | Afghanistan | Kunduz | 4 | 24 | The lives of four civilians are cut short by religious radicals. |
2020.04.24 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 5 | 3 | Boko Haram gunmen open fire on a vehicle traveling to a funeral, killing five. |
2020.04.24 | Nigeria | Chikun | 7 | 1 | Seven residents are killed when Muslim militants attack three communities. |
2020.04.24 | Afghanistan | Sufi Qala | 1 | 0 | A 70-year-old man makes easy picking for the Taliban. |
2020.04.24 | Syria | Idlib | 1 | 0 | A teenager is executed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham for being found with ‘blasphemous’ text messages on phone. |
2020.04.23 | Mali | Bandiagara | 12 | 6 | A dozen people lose their lives during a raid by Muslim militants. |
2020.04.23 | Pakistan | Khanmai | 2 | 4 | Terrorists open fire on security forces killing one member and a bystander. |
2020.04.23 | Afghanistan | Qala-e-Naw | 13 | 10 | Thirteen Afghans preparing for Ramadan are laid out by Taliban fundamentalists. |
2020.04.23 | Afghanistan | Tarin Kot | 6 | 0 | A half-dozen police are gunned down by the Taliban. |
2020.04.23 | Nigeria | Kujeni | 1 | 0 | Muslim terrorists kill one person and burn down a church. |
2020.04.23 | Nigeria | Kajuru | 1 | 0 | A farmer working his field is murdered by Muslim terrorists, leaving a wife and seven children. |
Ramadã 2019
Colunas (data, país, localidade, mortos, feridos, descrição)
2019.06.03 | Kenya | Dawaduba | 1 | 0 | al-Shabaab gunmen fire on border guards, killing one. |
2019.06.03 | Lebanon | Tripoli | 4 | 0 | A committed Muslim opens fire on police, killing four, then blows himself up. |
2019.06.03 | Iraq | Malashah | 9 | 0 | Nine people are kidnapped and murdered while hunting mushrooms. |
2019.06.03 | Syria | Azaz | 21 | 45 | Four children are among twenty-one killed by a suicide bomber outside a mosque. |
2019.06.03 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 5 | 10 | Terrorists bomb a bus, killing five passengers. |
2019.06.03 | India | Panthachowk | 1 | 0 | Islamic gunmen take down a 32-year-old civilian. |
2019.06.02 | Iraq | Abu Khanzier | 3 | 0 | Terrorists open fire on a family of three, bringing them all down. |
2019.06.02 | Libya | Derna | 0 | 18 | An ISIS car bomb claims eighteen casualties. |
2019.06.02 | Thailand | Narathiwat | 1 | 1 | A village head is shot to death in a mosque by suspected ‘insurgents.’ |
2019.06.02 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 24 | Islamists hit a bus carrying university students with a bomb, killing one. |
2019.06.02 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 3 | A blast targeting first responders to an early bombing leaves one dead. |
2019.06.02 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 8 | 7 | A Shahid suicide car bomber lays out eight Afghans. |
2019.06.01 | Yemen | Hadramout | 2 | 2 | An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead. |
2019.06.01 | Iraq | Shura | 27 | 0 | Twenty-seven victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave. |
2019.06.01 | Pakistan | Boya | 1 | 0 | A lone border guard is ambushed and killed by Islamic militants. |
2019.06.01 | Syria | Raqqa | 10 | 20 | A suicide bomber claims ten lives in the former caliphate stronghold. |
2019.06.01 | Nigeria | Sajeri | 1 | 3 | Boko Haram enter a rival mosque to pull out and slaughter one person. |
2019.06.01 | Iraq | Anbar | 5 | 0 | A mass grave is discovered containing five victims of ISIS execution. |
2019.05.31 | Philippines | Patikul | 1 | 0 | A Dutch birdwatcher, held hostage by Abu Sayyaf, is killed as he tries to escape. |
2019.05.31 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 4 | 7 | A Shahid suicide bomber claims the lives of four civilians. |
2019.05.31 | Israel | Jerusalem | 0 | 2 | A 16-year-old is among two stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist. |
2019.05.30 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 5 | 18 | Mujahideen set off a series of blasts at malls and shops, killing five. |
2019.05.30 | Afghanistan | Bala Murghab | 10 | 11 | Islamic extremists kill ten local cops in various locations. |
2019.05.30 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 6 | 16 | A Fedayeen suicide blast near a university leaves six dead. |
2019.05.30 | Iraq | Abu Saida | 2 | 5 | An ISIS attack on a village leaves two residents dead. |
2019.05.30 | Pakistan | Islamabad | 1 | 0 | A Christian rickshaw driver is beaten and murdered due to “religious hatred.” |
2019.05.29 | Afghanistan | Ghor | 18 | 0 | Eighteen guards at a world heritage site are attacked and killed by fundamentalists. |
2019.05.29 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 9 | One person dies when ISIS loyalists set fire to crops. |
2019.05.29 | Syria | Qamhana | 1 | 5 | A woman is disassembled by a Sunni rocket. |
2019.05.28 | Pakistan | Goga Hissar | 1 | 0 | A young mother of two is honor-killed by her brother-in-law. |
2019.05.28 | Mozambique | Macomia | 16 | 10 | A barbaric attack by Islamists on highway travelers leaves sixteen dead. |
2019.05.27 | Lebanon | Saadiyat | 1 | 0 | An innocent bystander is killed in an exchange of fire between two groups of terrorists. |
2019.05.27 | Afghanistan | Feroz Koh | 18 | 7 | The Taliban murder eighteen local security personnel. |
2019.05.27 | Nigeria | Jere | 7 | 2 | A group fighting for Sharia slaughters seven innocents at a displaced persons camp. |
2019.05.27 | Thailand | Nong Chik | 2 | 4 | A 14-year-old boy is among two killed by Muslim bombers at a marketplace. |
2019.05.27 | India | Babagund | 1 | 0 | A trader is shot to death by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. |
2019.05.27 | Afghanistan | Bala Buluk | 10 | 0 | All ten off-duty security personnel riding in a vehicle are vaporized by a Taliban bomb blast. |
2019.05.27 | Afghanistan | Sari Pul | 4 | 22 | A brutal attack by armed fundamentalists leaves four dead. |
2019.05.26 | Iraq | Uwaynat | 5 | 7 | Five innocents are slain when Jihadist set off a bomb at a popular market. |
2019.05.26 | Bangladesh | Dhaka | 1 | 2 | A woman is killed when religious extremists throw a bomb at a police car. |
2019.05.26 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 1 | 0 | A pro-peace religious scholar is shot to death by radicals. |
2019.05.26 | Burkina Faso | Toulfe | 4 | 0 | Gunmen fire into a church during service, killing four worshippers. |
2019.05.26 | Iran | Eslamabad-e Gharb | 1 | 0 | Suspected members of a Sunni group, fire on police from their car, killing one. |
2019.05.26 | Syria | Suqaylabiyah | 5 | 12 | Hayat Tahrir al-Sham send nearly forty rockets into a neighborhood, killing five residents. |
2019.05.26 | Bangladesh | Dhaka | 0 | 3 | An Islamic State bomb blast produces three casualties. |
2019.05.26 | Nigeria | Jos | 7 | 12 | ‘Local Muslims’ murder seven innocents on their way home from church. |
2019.05.26 | Pakistan | Boya | 5 | 0 | Five victims of terrorist execution are discovered. |
2019.05.25 | Chad | N’Gounboua | 5 | 11 | A journalist is among five people laid out by a Boko Haram blast. |
2019.05.25 | Nigeria | Borno | 25 | 0 | Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a convoy trying to evacuate civilians, massacring over two dozen. |
2019.05.25 | Philippines | Jolo | 2 | 0 | Two children are shot full of holes by Abu Sayyaf. |
2019.05.25 | Iraq | Hawijah | 5 | 10 | Islamic State members set a field on fire and then murder five Iraqis attempting to put it out. |
2019.05.24 | Nigeria | Sabon Garin Kimba | 5 | 2 | At least five guards are murdered by Boko Haram gunmen. |
2019.05.24 | Pakistan | Quetta | 3 | 28 | A bomb planted at a rival mosque leaves three dead. |
2019.05.24 | Philippines | Malambuhangin | 1 | 0 | Islamic radicals are suspected in the assassination of a religious scholar in front of his family. |
2019.05.24 | Iraq | Baiji | 1 | 4 | A woman is killed, and her family injured, when Jihadis send shrapnel through their car. |
2019.05.24 | Pakistan | Sachal | 1 | 0 | A prayer leader is assassinated by rivals while exiting a mosque. |
2019.05.24 | Iraq | Shirqat | 5 | 0 | Five farmers are intercepted and eliminated by the Islamic State. |
2019.05.24 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 2 | 16 | Two worshippers at a mosque are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals. |
2019.05.24 | France | Lyon | 0 | 13 | A 10-year-old girl is among the casualties of a bomb blast outside a bakery. |
2019.05.23 | Pakistan | Ambela | 1 | 0 | A teen is honor-killed by her brother for marrying by choice. |
2019.05.23 | DRC | Nola | 1 | 0 | A nun is beheaded by Muslim militia. |
2019.05.23 | Afghanistan | Charsada | 1 | 0 | A woman is killed during an attack by the Taliban. |
2019.05.23 | Iraq | Qaim | 2 | 0 | A Sunni bomb blast rips through a parking lot at a car wash, taking two lives. |
2019.05.23 | Pakistan | Barg | 1 | 0 | A prayer leader is kidnapped by rivals and then killed in captivity. |
2019.05.22 | Nigeria | Maiduguri | 9 | 0 | Nine hostages are executed on video by ISIS West Africa. |
2019.05.22 | Iraq | Shura | 1 | 0 | A terrorist bomb blast claims the life of a woman. |
2019.05.22 | CAR | Ouham Pende | 16 | 0 | A second village is attacked by Muslim militia, with sixteen more killed. |
2019.05.22 | Iraq | Allas | 1 | 3 | A guard at an oilfield is murdered by ISIS. |
2019.05.22 | India | Mendhar | 1 | 7 | A bombing by Islamic ‘separatists’ leaves one dead. |
2019.05.22 | Burkina Faso | Koury | 2 | 0 | Two truck drivers transporting floor tiles are attacked and killed by Jihadists. |
2019.05.22 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 9 | 13 | Nine people are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber. |
2019.05.22 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 2 | 0 | Two parents of ten children are eliminated by al-Shabaab. |
2019.05.21 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 3 | 20 | A child is among three Afghans disintegrated by Taliban bombers. |
2019.05.21 | Iraq | Mosul | 37 | 0 | Thirty-seven victims of caliphate execution, mostly women, are discovered in a mass grave. |
2019.05.21 | CAR | Pahoua | 34 | 0 | Muslim militia slaughter thirty-four villagers to avenge the death of one Muslim. |
2019.05.21 | Afghanistan | Kapisa | 4 | 0 | Two women and a child are among a family of four sent to Allah by Taliban shrapnel. |
2019.05.21 | Syria | Harasta | 1 | 1 | A 60-year-old man is reduced to parts by a terrorist landmine. |
2019.05.21 | Nigeria | Gubio | 3 | 6 | Boko Haram gunmen attack a local army base, killing three occupants. |
2019.05.20 | Tajikistan | Vahdat | 8 | 0 | Incarcerated ISIS inmates stab three guards and five prisoners to death. |
2019.05.20 | Iraq | Tal Afar | 4 | 3 | Four farmers are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers. |
2019.05.20 | Somalia | Bakol | 4 | 0 | al-Shabaab stages a Shahid suicide attack on a local army base, killing four. |
2019.05.19 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 3 | 3 | The Taliban murder three local cops at their post. |
2019.05.19 | Mali | Koury | 7 | 0 | Four civilians are among seven mowed down by Jihadi gunmen. |
2019.05.19 | Syria | Sahl | 1 | 1 | An IED claims a civilian near the former caliphate capital. |
2019.05.19 | Mali | Timbuktu | 1 | 3 | One person is killed in a terror attack targeting UN peacekeepers. |
2019.05.19 | Nigeria | Madu Musaha | 2 | 12 | Boko Haram open fire on refugees at a displaced persons camp, killing two. |
2019.05.19 | Afghanistan | Washer | 2 | 2 | A roadside bomb claims two souls. |
2019.05.19 | Iraq | Balad Ruz | 7 | 26 | Sunnis hit a bus carrying Shiites with a roadside bomb, claiming seven passengers. |
2019.05.19 | Egypt | Giza | 0 | 17 | Religion of Peace activists hit a tourist bus with a bomb. |
2019.05.19 | Pakistan | Islampura | 1 | 0 | A conservative family honor-kills their daughter on suspicion of sexual behavior. |
2019.05.19 | France | Villejuif | 0 | 2 | A man stabs two passersby while shouting praises to Allah. |
2019.05.19 | Mozambique | Beira | 1 | 0 | A priest who ran an institute for the blind is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals. |
2019.05.19 | Nigeria | Dankande | 1 | 16 | Muslim militants storm a church and kidnap a choir member who is killed in captivity. |
2019.05.19 | Nigeria | Igabi | 1 | 2 | Militant Muslims muder a church member and kidnap two others. |
2019.05.19 | Pakistan | Faisalabad | 1 | 0 | A Christian is tortured to death by his Muslim employer. |
2019.05.18 | CAR | Nola | 1 | 0 | A 77-year-old Catholic nun is beheaded by suspected Muslim militants. |
2019.05.18 | Afghanistan | Oba | 5 | 14 | Five children are put down by a bomb planted by religious extremists at a market. |
2019.05.18 | Libya | Zella | 3 | 4 | Islamic State militants kill three people at an oilfield and kidnap four more. |
2019.05.17 | Iraq | Mekhas | 1 | 0 | A teacher is blown to bits by Jihadi bombers. |
2019.05.17 | Iraq | Yousif Bag | 1 | 0 | An elderly resident makes easy pickings for ISIS members. |
2019.05.17 | Afghanistan | Lashkar Gah | 8 | 11 | A fundamentalist group ambushes a group of local police, killing eight. |
2019.05.17 | Syria | Huwair al-Eis | 1 | 2 | A civilian is aerated by Sunni shrapnel. |
2019.05.16 | Chad | Ceilia | 13 | 0 | Thirteen villagers are slaughtered by Islamic militants. |
2019.05.16 | Nigeria | Adamawa | 14 | 0 | Fourteen fishermen and farmers are massacred by Boko Haram. |
2019.05.16 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 4 | 0 | Radicals pour machine-gun fire into a security post, killing four. |
2019.05.16 | Syria | al-Bab | 1 | 4 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a civilian bystander. |
2019.05.16 | Afghanistan | Shamulzayi | 6 | 6 | Taliban fundamentalists murder a half-dozen Afghan security personnel. |
2019.05.16 | Germany | Offenburg | 1 | 0 | A 76-year-old is beaten to death by a migrant yelling praises to Allah. |
2019.05.15 | Iraq | Abbra | 1 | 0 | Terrorists open fire on a civilian, killing him on the spot. |
2019.05.15 | Syria | Raqqa | 1 | 4 | Sunni shrapnel claims a civilian. |
2019.05.15 | Iraq | Hawijah | 4 | 0 | Islamic State members stop a police vehicle with a bomb and then shoot the survivors. |
2019.05.15 | Iraq | Rashad | 2 | 0 | Two traffic cops are picked off by ISIS gunmen. |
2019.05.15 | Niger | Dolbel | 0 | 1 | A priest is shot three times in his church by Muslim militants. |
2019.05.14 | Mozambique | Mangoma | 2 | 0 | Jihadists open fire on a funeral procession, bringing down two mourners |
2019.05.14 | Afghanistan | Duleena | 1 | 0 | Fundamentalists shoot a shopkeeper to death. |
2019.05.14 | Niger | Tonga Tonga | 28 | 0 | Twenty-eight border guards are picked off by Ansar al-Islam gunmen. |
2019.05.14 | Afghanistan | Shamulzay | 5 | 0 | A Taliban attack leaves five dead. |
2019.05.14 | Syria | Shirkak | 1 | 1 | A civilian is leveled by an ISIS IED. |
2019.05.14 | Syria | Nayrab | 10 | 0 | Four children are among ten purged when terrorists lob missiles into a refugee camp. |
2019.05.14 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 4 | 9 | A suicide car bomber goes off, taking down four bystanders. |
2019.05.14 | Turkey | Imbros | 1 | 0 | An 86-year-old man is tortured to death in a suspected anti-Christian hate crime. |
2019.05.14 | Sweden | Helsingborg | 0 | 1 | An older Jewish woman is stabbed ten times in a targeted attack by a young migrant from Tunisia. |
2019.05.13 | Iraq | Bartella | 2 | 0 | A Christian mother and daughter are stabbed to death in their home by Shiite radicals. |
2019.05.13 | Nigeria | Damboa | 3 | 4 | A Boko Haram blast ends three lives. |
2019.05.13 | Afghanistan | Korpeto | 1 | 0 | A teacher is shot to death by suspected radicals. |
2019.05.13 | Burkina Faso | Ouahigouya | 4 | 0 | Four innocents are killed during an attack on a Catholic religious procession. |
2019.05.13 | Syria | Suqaylabiyah | 1 | 5 | A civilian is dismantled by Sunni shrapnel. |
2019.05.13 | Pakistan | Quetta | 4 | 6 | Tehrik-e Taliban rig a motorcycle with a bomb that claims four passersby. |
2019.05.13 | Iraq | Khanaqin | 2 | 0 | ISIS militants murder a father and son. |
2019.05.13 | Afghanistan | Jalalabad | 3 | 20 | Religious extremists set off three bombs that kill three people. |
2019.05.12 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | A Turkish engineer is murdered by al-Shabaab bombers. |
2019.05.12 | Burkina Faso | Dablo | 6 | 0 | A large group of extremists attack a church during a service, killing six, including the pastor. |
2019.05.12 | Syria | Suqaylabiyah | 6 | 8 | A Sunni group sends a barrage of shells into a Christian neighborhood, killing five children and a woman. |
2019.05.12 | Afghanistan | Dushi | 1 | 1 | An Afghan security official is murdered by the Taliban. |
2019.05.11 | Afghanistan | Kama | 1 | 0 | A fundamentalist group murders a local official. |
2019.05.11 | Pakistan | Khaipur Tamiwali | 4 | 3 | The brother of a young woman who married against the family’s wishes fires into their home, killing four. |
2019.05.11 | Nigeria | Moranti | 4 | 1 | Four people are left dead following a Boko Haram raid in the middle of the night. |
2019.05.11 | Afghanistan | Muqer | 8 | 2 | Eight children are pulled into pieces by shrapnel from a Taliban landmine. |
2019.05.11 | Iraq | Baghdad | 1 | 2 | A child is disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast. |
2019.05.11 | Pakistan | Gwadar | 5 | 6 | Three Majeed Brigade gunmen stage a suicide attack on a luxury hotel, killing four civilians and a guard. |
2019.05.11 | Mozambique | Mangoma | 2 | 1 | Islamists behead two civilians and torture a third. |
2019.05.11 | Syria | Sakka | 1 | 2 | Terrorist explosives claim the life of a child. |
2019.05.10 | Mozambique | Pemba | 2 | 0 | Jihadists pull two civilians off a bus and kill them in cold blood. |
2019.05.10 | Nigeria | Gajiganna | 11 | 4 | An al-Qaeda linked group fires into a village, killing eleven. |
2019.05.10 | Syria | Bahdaliya | 1 | 2 | A civilian expires from injuries following a Jihadi roadside blast. |
2019.05.10 | Afghanistan | Murghab | 15 | 5 | The Taliban overrun two guard posts and massacre fifteen Afghans. |
2019.05.10 | Afghanistan | Nawa Maish | 5 | 4 | Five civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban landmine. |
2019.05.10 | Afghanistan | Dawlat Abad | 4 | 5 | Four children exterminated by a Taliban IED. |
2019.05.10 | Mali | Bandiagara | 4 | 2 | Four civilians are shot to death by suspected Jihadists. |
2019.05.10 | Iraq | Iraq | 2 | 0 | Suspected ISIS on motorbikes gun down two civilians. |
2019.05.09 | Iraq | Baghdad | 8 | 15 | A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, taking eight ‘infidels’ with him. |
2019.05.09 | Libya | Ghadduwah | 2 | 1 | ISIS gunmen kill two people and kidnap a third. |
2019.05.09 | Iraq | Kawar | 8 | 0 | Islamic militants slaughter a husband, wife and their six children in their home. |
2019.05.09 | Iraq | Shirqat | 1 | 1 | Suspected ISIS shoot a man outside a grain silo. |
2019.05.08 | Kenya | Wajir | 1 | 0 | An Islamist group ambushes and kills a border guard. |
2019.05.08 | Afghanistan | Laywanay Bazaar | 3 | 2 | Hardline fundamentalists ambush and kill three local cops. |
2019.05.08 | Pakistan | Lahore | 13 | 24 | A suicide bomber detonates amid a crowd of pilgrims at a Sufi shrine, killing thirteen. |
2019.05.08 | Afghanistan | Kabul | 9 | 24 | Fedayeen stage a suicide attack on an American charity office, killing nine. |
2019.05.08 | Syria | Farat | 2 | 4 | A suicide car bomber takes out two civilian bystanders. |
2019.05.08 | Syria | Manbij | 3 | 0 | Sunni shrapnel cuts down three civilians. |
2019.05.08 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 1 | 0 | A shepherd is put down by an ISIS bomb blast. |
2019.05.08 | Iraq | Hammam al-Alil | 5 | 0 | Five family members are brutally shot to death in their home by the Islamic State. |
2019.05.07 | Iraq | Mazarei | 3 | 5 | Three people are killed when Islamic State gunmen attack a family home. |
2019.05.07 | Afghanistan | Alingar | 4 | 4 | Fundamentalists plant a bomb on a police vehicle that kills four passengers. |
2019.05.07 | Burkina Faso | Ouahigouya | 1 | 0 | Terrorists fire into a toll booth, killing the operator. |
2019.05.07 | Burkina Faso | Sahel Reserve | 2 | 0 | Jihadists open fire on French troops during an attempt to free hostages, killing two. |
2019.05.07 | Nigeria | Molai | 11 | 12 | Boko Haram tear into a village and slaughter eleven people. |
2019.05.07 | Egypt | Cairo | 1 | 0 | A Copt is targeted and murdered over his faith. |
2019.05.06 | Afghanistan | Gulistan | 20 | 2 | The Taliban storm a checkpoint and massacre twenty local soldiers. |
2019.05.06 | Afghanistan | Khwaja Bahaudin | 8 | 0 | Eight Afghans are murdered by the Taliban. |
2019.05.06 | Iraq | Debis | 3 | 2 | An ISIS attack leaves three dead. |
2019.05.06 | Pakistan | North Waziristan | 4 | 10 | Two separate shooting attacks by Islamists on local security leave four dead. |
2019.05.05 | Israel | Ashkelon | 1 | 2 | Hamas sends a rocket into an Israeli factory, killing a 49-year-old man. |
2019.05.05 | Israel | Gaza | 2 | 0 | A pregnant woman and her infant are taken apart by an Hamas rocket. |
2019.05.05 | Israel | Ashkelon | 1 | 0 | A 58-year-old man is killed outside his home by an Hamas rocket. |
2019.05.05 | Israel | Yad Mordechai | 1 | 0 | A vehicle is hit with an Hamas rocket, killing the 68-year-old driver. |
2019.05.05 | Afghanistan | Puli Khumri | 20 | 55 | A suicide bomber plows into a police station, sending twenty strangers to Allah. |
2019.05.05 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | A bomb left on a minibus kills one person when it goes off. |
2019.05.05 | Pakistan | Mamond | 1 | 0 | A polio worker is shot to death by suspected radicals. |
2019.05.05 | Israel | Ashdod | 1 | 0 | A young father and rabbi is brought down by Hamas shrapnel. |
2019.05.05 | Mozambique | Meluco | 3 | 0 | Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals. |
2019.05.05 | Afghanistan | Chah-e-Kohsani | 3 | 2 | Three children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban landmine. |
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