Artigo escrito para Vlad Tepes Blog
This article deals with the situation of the Islamization of Brazil under the light of the new Law of Immigration, approved by the country’s Senate and sent to the presidential sanction. It highlights steps that have been taken to grow the nonexistent Islamic presence in Brazil into become an influential power. To understand the situation one needs to understand the deterioration of the political landscape of the country, which is briefly discussed in the course of the article (keeping in mind that politics in Brazil has a huge complicating factor: endemic corruption).
In 2008 I heard the audio of a speech from an Iman, during an Islamic conference in Chicago, in which he described how Brazil would become an Islamic nation within 50 years. I was aware of what was happening in the West but I thought that Brazil would not be in the axis of Islamic interest. I was wrong. After all, Brazil is the powerhouse of South America not just due to the size of the country (remember, Brazil is larger than the US without Alaska) but also due to the size of its economy and influence. It is said that where Brazil goes so does South America. Indeed.
In 1964, a democratic but USSR-leaned government was overthrown by the Brazilian military under the pretext to avoid Brazil to become a “New Cuba.” The military regime remained in power, releasing it slowly under the pressure of a democratic front that encompassed politicians, the civil society and the Brazilian Roman Catholic bishops, most of them adherents of the Liberation Theology. During this time, communist-style guerrilla warfare took place and several of the guerrilla leaders ended up deported mostly to Chile (under Allende), Cuba or France. In 1988, a new Constitution was promulgated and in 1989 presidential elections were held. The guerrilla leaders returned to the country under an amnesty law and joined a number of pro-Socialist parties. The most notable of them was the Labor’s Party (PT), led by the union leader Lula da Silva, who was compared by many to Lech Valesa and Václav Havel. The difference is that unlike Valesa and Havel Lula wanted Socialism and Globalism.
The new civilian regime reached it apex during President Fernando Cardoso (1995-2003), of the also Left-leaning Social Democrats (PSDB). He controlled inflation and led the country to a phenomenal growth, even though under accusations of rampant corruption. Lula da Silva was elected in 2003 remaining in power until 2011. He used the economical basis of his predecessor, creating his own corruption basis in an attempt to solidify power. His goal was to maintain the Labor’s Party with a permanent control of the Federal Government. He was followed by Dilma Roussef in 2012 but the economy did not survive 8 years of Lula da Silva and the corruption that reached unprecedented levels. The corruption was made public by a few young and courageous judges in what has been known as Operation Car Wash. Dilma Roussef was impeached, being replaced by her vice-president, Michel Temer.
It should be mentioned that since Fernando Cardoso’s presidency, Brazil has turned towards the Left and several former guerrilla members became Ministers of State. It continues until today under the current president.
Then enters the unholy alliance between the Left and Islam, Brazilian style.
Most of the Left in Brazil is anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian. Add to the equation the inherent animosity against the USA (accused of helping the military in 1964) and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and al-Khadafi, as well as their sympathy towards Iran, then you have open doors for any Islamic leader to the high echelons of power.
Since the late 1990’s there has been a growing presence of Saudi and UAE in support of an exponential effort in building mosques and massalas, even though the number of Muslims remains small (official records mentions less than 100 thousand whereas Islamic leaders mention 2 million).
There has been also an increase in Islamic leaders of any kind visiting government officials at federal, municipal and federal levels. There has been also an increasing activity dealing with public safety, including the arrest of several Muslims accused of terror plots, as well as an increasing activity of Hezbollah in connection with organized crime.
But Islam has not made the impact onto the local population as their leaders would like. The only way for a faster growth is by fostering Muslim immigation to Brazil. There has been a concerted effort linking government officials, NGOs (e.g., funded by the likes of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and Ford Foundation), Christian groups and Islamic leaders to open the doors for more immigrants and refugees. The Halal industry is a door, but not to import enough Muslims. Meet the new Law of Immigration.
Senator Aloysio Nunes, himself a former guerrilla fighter, now Minister of Foreign Affairs, is the author of this legislation that, among other things, destroys the borders of the country. The main intention of the Brazilian Left is the “continental integration”, i.e., that South America becomes a single Socialist entity (they have Venezuela as a model, seriously). So, the new legislation targets primarily the free transit of foreigners from bordering countries giving to them full citizenship rights. But anyone who comes to Brazil, even as tourist, can claim the same. The doors are open to anyone, from anywhere.
This law, in practical terms, leaves the Brazilian migration policy in the hands of international organizations (for example, UN and UNASUR), without limiting the number of immigrants coming to Brazil. As the Minister of Justice has said: there may be one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand per year, everyone is welcome. It turns out that Brazil cannot provide for its people, with tens of millions living in poverty, how will it provide for “one hundred thousand refugees per year”?
This law guarantees that foreigners, anyone who wants to stay in Brazil, will have access to all services public health services, welfare as if they were Brazilians. But Brazil is not Sweden nor Germany. Who will pay for this bill?
Visitors (tourists) are considered as immigrants, with all rights, they just need to say so.
Foreigners are allowed to form political parties and trade unions. Who will they represent? Are they committed to the public common good or to external forces and entities?
The law allows the creation of “common spaces”. In this way several enclaves of foreigners will be created in the Brazilian territory. No-go zones, anyone?
By creating a borderless country, this law makes it more difficult to fight drug and arms trafficking, which is already a big problem. The control of criminals is compromised, because the law allows for the “non-criminalization of immigration,” ignoring the fact that illegal or dangerous immigrants and tourists exist!
Brazil is facing confrontations of the worst kind. A crisis of confidence, a moral crisis, an economic crisis, lack of employment with tens of millions of unemployed people, an overloading of social security, serious crisis in its public health system, and an excessive tax burden which hampers economic prosperity. There are 60,000 murders per year, 38,000 rapes, and 7.6 million illegal weapons entering our borders, and an undisputed power of organized crime and drug traffickers. The ci, and indeed the impossibility for a citizen to feel truly represented.
Laws that allow a world without borders have failed in Europe. We need to be honest and realistic. The humanitarian discourse will not survive the lack of employment, the prejudice that will arise in the melee dispute for bread, medicine, crumbs thrown to the wind and this law comes with wrong values, without looking at what is inside the door. To open our doors to the unknown world is to close the door to a life worthy of Brazilians.
Before proposing a law to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees and immigrants without controls and boundaries, our representatives should understand that any absorption of migration can only be made by those who have the conditions and under the criteria on which these conditions are sustained. But it seems that our representatives are no better than the European ones.
Considering that the European Union has already expressed its interest in relocating refugees outside of Europe, Brazil is in danger of becoming the sewer of the European Union.
Just one last thing. The mayor of São Paulo, João Dória, a Social Democrat, is selling municipal assets under the excuse that he wants to improve services. Where did he go to advertise them? To the Gulf countries. He is a strong presidential candidate for the elections next year. The prospects are not good.
This article was written for VladTepes blog.
José Atento is a Brazilian blogger, writing in Portuguese at Lei Islâmica em Ação. José Atento can be reached at
\0 For VladTepesBlog\2017 Brazil, first nation to officially eliminate its borders Muslims welcome
Anônimo diz
Quem vê na tv as cenas de pancadaria nos estádios da América do Sul diria que vai ser um bocadinho mais difícil os invasores mouros conquistarem o Brasil do que a Europa.
Os mouros para onde vão criam gangues e violência (Paris, Marselha, etc.). Não me parece que os traficantes das favelas queiram concorrência. Pode ser que os mouros acalmem quando começar a chover balas.
Anônimo diz
Ledo engano…
Anônimo diz
Com certeza! Ladrões, políticos corruptos, traficantes, pedófilos, assassinos, estupradores, paranoicos e imbecis que tem pouco a fazer, mas muito tempo para espalhar falácias na internet já se fazem em maioria no Brasil, e afundam cada vez mais este país. Com certeza que, imigrantes sejam de onde for, virem para cá, nunca será um bom negócio, nem deveria ser a última opção. Infelizmente falta de tudo… falta "cultura de verdade", falta informação lícita, falta emprego, falta educação, falta saúde e falta muita vergonha na cara. Infelizmente! Não venham fazer parte disso, um país com tantas deficiências, um país que cultua o futebol, o carnaval e o funk. Um país que vive estilo roupa de praia, onde qualquer um se diz cristão, mas bebe álcool, mata no trânsito por isso, faz sexo antes do casamento com vários parceiros desde a puberdade, "criam" igrejas facilmente e "tiram" dinheiro dos fiéis. Pagamos os impostos mais altos do mundo e estão roubando nossos direitos de cidadãos cada vez mais. Somos chamados de porcos, mal vestidos e burros por povos de países ricos ocidentais. Mas nós estamos preocupados com esse povo de hábitos ultrapassados que precisam de refúgio pois sua terra natal não oferece segurança. Entreguem o petróleo ao ocidente, sejam subjugados pelos Estados Unidos, como fizeram no Iraque, foi assim que surgiu o Isis, foram financiados por eles (EUA). Vamos acabar com a força dos terroristas fanáticos e paranoicos renegando a sua própria religião, pois estão levando a culpa também. Rendam-se aos hábitos de vida ocidental, evoluam. As mulheres mostrem os cabelos, vistam roupas curtas, tenham vários parceiros.É normal!!!! Vamos viver um estado laico, onde todos tem o direito de fazer suas escolhas e inclusive viver seus dogmas e religião. rsrsrs… Precisamos de leis rígidas como a Sharia? Aqui as leis funcionam muito bem como podemos ver!!!! Na Arábia Saudita é regido a Sharia, pena de morte em praça pública para crimes como tráfico de drogas, chibatadas por beber ou estar alcoolizado em público. Mas é uma pena, são na maioria ocidentais que infringem as regras lá. Mesmo assim. os índices de criminalidade são baixíssimos. Os sauditas empregam muitos ocidentais, oferecem mestrado de graça para nós, mas ninguém divulga isso. Mas tem muitos refugiados também… lá e em países ricos como Turquia e Emirados. Mas é tanta gente tendo que fugir que… acabam vindo pra cá. Não façam isso. Imaginem a Sharia aqui, iriam acabar com a bebedeira, com as roupas curtas, acabar com o comércio de drogas. Na verdade a maioria dos países islâmicos não seguem a sharia em sua totalidade. Mas um pouco dela já cortaria as asas de muita gente. Vivemos em um outro mundo e não queremos mudar. O mundo não tolera mais diferenças de qualquer natureza. A mídia já nos ensina a como proceder.
osorio diz
Era so o que faltava um canalha islamita vomitando sua merda aqui
Anônimo diz
Caro propagandista islamico ninguem e mais pedofilo estuprador e assassino que os islamicos pois o proprio maomerda foi um pedofilo estuprador e assassino.
Anônimo diz
Os islamicos sao os maiores estupradores e pedofilos do mundo pois seu profeta foi um pedofilo estuprador. A europa foi um continente livre, seguro e civilizado ate importar estas pestes em massa, hoje virou uma fossa violenta, sem liberdade e empobrecida e agora vem esse liberticida importar essas pestes para o Brasil? Eu digo nao ao isla, nao a nova lei de imigracao.
Anônimo diz
Ahhh! Sei também que existe liberdade de expressão, mas em alguns casos a liberdade é só pra quem fala e não pra quem responde. A não ser que seja uma resposta que corrobore com as questão… pois é. Brasil!
osorio diz
Tem um anonimo ai que provavelmente e um legitimo representante dessa praga islamica que empesteou a europa e agora quer aportar aqui o sujeito se manifesta contra a liberdade de culto de vestuario esquecendo que somos um pais tropical com altas temperaturas se opoe a liberdade das mulheres a liberdade sexual os direitos humanos e propagandeia a monstruosa e medieval sharia.
Ad diz
O anônimo aí de cima deve ter cheirado muito crack e fumado muita cocaína pra vomitar esse monte de asneiras! Onde a Sharia foi boa? Quando? Por que devo concordar com você? O Brasil tem muita merda, sim, mas é a nossa merda! E querem transformar tudo em uma fossa a céu aberto!